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Varekort Art Danish Dreamcatchere Native and Turkic Canada art
Bedømmelse for Dreamcatchere Native and Turkic Canada art
Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 baseret på 1 stemmer
Dream Catchers are an ancient spiritual tool, used to help assure
good dreams to those that sleep under them. A dream catcher is
usually placed over a place you would sleep,and where the morning light can hit it.
As you sleep all dreams from the spirit world have to pass through the dream catcher.
Only good dreams can pass through the hole in the center while the bad dreams are
caught in the webbing, and are destroyed by the morning light.

Dreamcatchere Native and Turkic Canada art

Varenavn Art Danish Dreamcatchere Native and Turkic Canada art
Varenummer Art Danish 2502
Vægt 500 Gram

Lev. 14 dage dage
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price 1stk. 938,79 DKK
(inkl. moms)

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